What are you trying to do? (please be as specific as possible and include relevant screenshots, code snippets, and reproduction steps)
I’m getting extremely frustrated because I cant find dynamic variables, I’m using supabase and following the setup processes detailed here, I have a table of content where one of the columns needs a file from the supabage storage, just like in your tutorials I followed the upload proccess which for some reason it uploads the file correctly but I get an error message saying " Error in On file uploaded interaction
Error in step “Supabase Upload File”. Edit step." when again the setup is exactly the same as the stape in “Supabase integration | Learn Plasmic”, what is driving me crazy is that I cant find a way to fetch that same upload url to use it in the database table, I am creating a new row interaction after the file has been uploaded but there is no Path variable on the “Previous step results” all I can find there is the “$steps.uploadMedia” variable.
I ve been checking all over the internet and stumbled across your twitter tutorial but it just goes over all you can do but does not actually build the project step by step, so it leaves me in the same place, even after cloning the project I cant even enter the interactions because is linked to your supabase account so again I cant even see how you guys set it up.
I did found out that to get the code you guys use the "$steps.uploadMedia?.path ? https://loktvbeqqsoyjqqwvmhq.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/plasmic_app_bucket/${ $steps.uploadMedia?.path }
: undefined " Code.
But from where did you get the $steps.uploadMedia?.path ? Variable, its not selectable in the dynamic values, and if thats something I’m supposed to know then what is the point of no code if I have to know code to know I have to add the question marks and the .path, also how do you know is .path if the file in the upload interaction is “File path”. again I’m very frustated and confused because I don’t know where to actually find all of these variables. I try to research this myself but even in the twitter tutorial almost nothing is truly explained just gives you the information that it is possible.
Thank you for your help.