How to let others access app host?

I feel like I know the answer to this… buuuut are there any plan to support custom components outside of app hosting? It feels great if you are a developer, but it kinda falls apart when you need to bring in designers or (god-forbid) clients in to make changes.

I don’t mean “fall apart” to be overtly negative. But literally the instances will get deleted if the local instance doing the “app hosting” is not running.

Yes, this is something we are working on! Was there anything specifically that you were looking for here?

(I just want to also mention that while registering code components is done initially by developers, once they are registered, typically this is to enable designers and other non-developers accessing the studio to be able to drag and drop and manipulate these components)

Not off the top of my head. But I just imagined it being able to sustain the component from the last “sync” with the app host or from the repo. At the moment if my local instance is down, the code components get deleted.

Oh I see what you mean - yes, typically you need to ensure that the app hosting code is deployed to some host that is accessible to others on the team, not just on localhost

yeah you’ll need to make sure these are deployed to some URL that is accessible to others. Here is a bit more elaboration on this

ah that is my bad. missed some documentation there.

No worries, this was actually why we have just recently been trying to include this in the quick starts too! It can be easy to miss, but let me know if you have any other suggestions

Sorry for straddling the two different threads, will keep it here for now :joy:

lol no worries

may I ask what would you suggest is the ideal workflow here then to develop code components, but still have the app hosting done by github/netlify? manually switch to localhost when I am doing local development and then switch it back over to public host after I am done for the day? I guess this is where a Codespaces invite would come in clutch… (edited)

The simplest workflow we recommend is whenever you need to try some localhost changes, you can start by making a temporary (throw-away) clone of your main Plasmic project, setting its host URL once again to http://localhost:3000/plasmic-host, and testing things out there. Once you’re happy with your changes, deploy them to production, and then anyone can start using these updates in the original Plasmic project.