How to make use of the Next.js image component?

can we force plasmic to use Next.js’ Image component? or is there a way to force preload all images before painting the page? right now i’m seeing flickers between routing to different pages.

Hey @gothic_gull, we’re working in a image component that works like Next.js one. Right now it’s not straightforward to use next/image component with Plasmic, but a way you could do it is overriding the img elements using { as: Image, props: {...} } (where Image is next/image component; more information about overrides in

@tiago could you show an example of overriding the img (p.PlasmicImg) elements with codegen?

Hi @static_marmot! Do you want to override it with another image src or with a different element? If you want to override the image src with a /url/to/image.png with width 720 and height 480 you can use:

    props: {
      src: "/url/to/image.png",
      fullWidth: 720,
      fullHeight: 480,

If you want to replace the whole element with something else (like a text div) you can use:

    render: () => <div>text</div>,

@tiago looking to replace all img with a different element (render).

I got it working with a new Plasmic component “Image” and then hacky replace using props.children.

imageElement on my codegen page didn’t work.

imageElement in my example above would be the name of your “image” element in studio (what you see in left sidebar). You can use as to replace the PlasmicImg with a different component like:

    as: YourOwnImageComponent,

But if you want to replace all images with a different component, I think you indeed need to create a new Plasmic component like you did and then modify such element to render what you want.

Yeah, it works as intended just felt like there could be a way to substitute all elements via a prop (like all h1, button, a, or img). I made the image component and it rendered progressively as intended.

Would love to see in the future platform:nextjs and images.scheme:files could substitute p.PlasmicImg with next/image. Thank you!!