How to set the root container height to hug

Hi Team,
I am not able to make the “root” container size “height” property to “hug content”. I want the height of the root container according to the content inside it. Can someone please look into it.

Thank you.

Can you share where exactly you’re seeing this? (Link to project and which component/artboard?) You should be able to do it:

This is happening on root free box. I am not getting the size option itself.
Project id: r8tK8dfahr1VF5tLYD9B5Y
Page : P1

Right, you’ll see there’s a message for pages in the Size section that says you can’t set sizes on them - this is because pages always behave like real pages in browsers, stretching to the full space available in the browser

Can you say a bit more about what you’re trying to achieve?

Trying to use 2 pages on a same screen using generated code.

Can you instead use components? (You can right-click a page in the top left project list and convert it to a component)

yes, sure. Thank you for the suggestion, this will help :slightly_smiling_face: