How to set up a marketing site with Plasmic?

Hey folks, I’m really keen to setup a marketing site with plasmic. But struggling with the lack of real world examples. Is there any more clone able plasmic project to start from?

We also typically use tailwind and tailwind ui components. Any way to bring these in to plasmic?

Hi @young_chicken :wave:, what kind of examples are you looking for?

In case you haven’t seen:

• We generate full Next.js/etc. example codebases for you, just press Publish:
• You can bring in React components - doesn’t matter how they’re made, can be Tailwind/TUI components:

Hey Yang. Thanks for the resources. Yes I have seen the templates inside. I was hoping for more examples for common use cases such as SaaS, products, blog etc

Is there a ready to go code examples project I can run locally?

I mostly want to see visually what your studio looks like with registered components.

But your tutorials are very text heavy, without any images or video

Oooh +1 on this, We’re building tons of products using Tailwind styleguide. Having components recreated in Plasmic will speed up the process quite a bit!

Hi @young_chicken, that guide is a series of point-and-click steps / screenshots and gives you a GitHub repo you can run locally:

You can see what the studio looks like with registered components in this example:

Tailwind components are no different (LMK if you have any specific trouble with that)

Also, if you were asking about templates, here are a few more we’re working on publishing:

LMK if that helps

Thanks so much Yang for digging these up! Really appreciate it. :pray:

I’m gonna take a look and see if any of these fit what we are looking for!