How to setup a data structure for a company app rather than a user app.

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Hello Guys quick question, what is the data base structure I should use if my app will be for companies with multiple users, should the user id be the company id ? or if the company id is different from the user id, how can I create dynamic pages where multiple people can see the same page and not tailored to individual user ids, how will plasmic verify the user is in the company without having to add both the user id and company id to the URLs, I’m looking for best practices all over plasmic documentation but there is nothing. the groups feature is very confusing not sure if thats it,

also is there a way to add company properties to the variables instead of user properties, also there are roles for users, which i assume are roles within the company, but what If a user uses our app to be a staff user in one company and admin in another company like in shopify for example. I’m just really really confused with this.

For reference here is the structure I plan to use in the database and urls.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Section Title Field Type Description
Companies Table company_id UUID Unique identifier for the company
- name Text Company name (may differ from username)
- company_username Text URL-friendly version of the company name (unique)
- created_at Timestamp Timestamp of when the company was created
- updated_at Timestamp Timestamp of last update on company information
URL Structure /{company_username}/ - Base URL for company-specific actions
- /{company_username}/quotas/ - Quota settings for a specific company
- /{company_username}/users/ - View all users in the company
- /{company_username}/templates/ - View all templates for the company
- /{company_username}/files/ - View all files for the company
- /{company_username}/files/{file_slug}/ - Specific file details
Users Table user_id UUID Unique identifier for the user
- email Text User’s email address (unique)
- password_hash Text Hashed password for user authentication
- profile_picture Text URL to the user’s profile picture
- first_name Text User’s first name
- last_name Text User’s last name
- role JSON Object storing roles by company ID (e.g., {company_id: role})
- created_at Timestamp Timestamp of user account creation
URL Structure /{company_username}/users/{user_id}/ - Specific user details in the company
- /{user_id}/ - Access user profile
- /{user_id}/settings/ - User account settings
Files Table file_id UUID Unique identifier for the file
- company_id Foreign Key Linked to companies.company_id
- file_name Text Original name of the file
- file_type Enum Type of file (e.g., 3D Model, Video)
- file_url Text Path to the file in Supabase storage
- thumbnail_url Text Path to the auto-generated thumbnail
- uploaded_at Timestamp Timestamp of when the file was uploaded
- campaign_ids JSON Array of campaign IDs where the file has been used
URL Structure /{company_username}/files/{file_slug}/ - Specific file details
- /{company_username}/files/ - All files for the company
Templates Table template_id UUID Unique identifier for the template
- company_id Foreign Key Linked to companies.company_id
- title Text Name of the template
- campaign_data JSON JSON object containing all necessary data to recreate the campaign
- created_at Timestamp Timestamp of when the template was created
URL Structure /{company_username}/templates/{template_slug}/ - Specific template details
- /{company_username}/templates/ - All templates for the company
    <th colspan="3">Companies Table</th>
    <td>Unique identifier for the company</td>
    <td>Company name (may differ from username)</td>
    <td>URL-friendly version of the company name (unique)</td>
    <td>Timestamp of when the company was created</td>
    <td>Timestamp of last update on company information</td>
    <th colspan="3">URL Structure</th>
    <td colspan="2">Base URL for company-specific actions</td>
    <td colspan="2">Quota settings for a specific company</td>
    <td colspan="2">View all users in the company</td>
    <td colspan="2">View all templates for the company</td>
    <td colspan="2">View all files for the company</td>
    <td colspan="2">Specific file details</td>

    <th colspan="3">Users Table</th>
    <td>Unique identifier for the user</td>
    <td>User's email address (unique)</td>
    <td>Hashed password for user authentication</td>
    <td>URL to the user's profile picture</td>
    <td>User's first name</td>
    <td>User's last name</td>
    <td>Object storing roles by company ID (e.g., {"company_id": "role"})</td>
    <td>Timestamp of user account creation</td>
    <td>Timestamp of last update on user information</td>

    <th colspan="3">URL Structure</th>
    <td colspan="2">Specific user details in the company</td>
    <td colspan="2">Access user profile</td>
    <td colspan="2">User account settings</td>

    <th colspan="3">Files Table</th>
    <td>Unique identifier for the file</td>
    <td>Foreign Key</td>
    <td>Linked to companies.company_id</td>
    <td>Original name of the file</td>
    <td>Type of file (e.g., 3D Model, Video)</td>
    <td>Path to the file in Supabase storage</td>
    <td>Path to the auto-generated thumbnail</td>
    <td>Timestamp of when the file was uploaded</td>
    <td>Array of campaign IDs where the file has been used</td>
    <td>Whether the file is saved in "My Files" (true/false)</td>

    <th colspan="3">URL Structure</th>
    <td colspan="2">Specific file details</td>
    <td colspan="2">All files for the company</td>

    <th colspan="3">Templates Table</th>
    <td>Unique identifier for the template</td>
    <td>Foreign Key</td>
    <td>Linked to companies.company_id</td>
    <td>Name of the template</td>
    <td>JSON object containing all necessary data to recreate the campaign</td>
    <td>Timestamp of when the template was created</td>
    <td>Timestamp of last update on the template</td>

    <th colspan="3">URL Structure</th>
    <td colspan="2">Specific template details</td>
    <td colspan="2">View all templates for the company</td>

    <th colspan="3">Quotas Table</th>
    <td>Foreign Key</td>
    <td>Linked to companies.company_id</td>
    <td>Maximum number of campaigns a company can create</td>


What have you tried so far? (please link relevant docs and other forum posts)

I been doing everything included in the learn plasmic page, i’ve setup the data base on supabase, but I could not find any references or projects that solve this, I assume the user rules are meant for this exact use case but again the information available does not provide use cases, examples, best practices, etc etc.