Icon not updating its color correctly

I have an icon that does not update it’s color correctly. Didn’t import as an icon initially when copying svg from figma

Can you send me the SVG file?

<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="<http://www.w3.org/2000/svg>">
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_399_39612)">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3.55544 1.34824C4.87103 0.469192 6.41775 0 8 0C10.1198 0.00633091 12.1509 0.851219 13.6499 2.35014C15.1488 3.84906 15.9937 5.88022 16 8C16 9.58225 15.5308 11.129 14.6518 12.4446C13.7727 13.7602 12.5233 14.7855 11.0615 15.391C9.59966 15.9965 7.99113 16.155 6.43928 15.8463C4.88743 15.5376 3.46197 14.7757 2.34315 13.6569C1.22433 12.538 0.462403 11.1126 0.153721 9.56072C-0.15496 8.00887 0.00346625 6.40034 0.608967 4.93853C1.21447 3.47672 2.23985 2.22729 3.55544 1.34824ZM4.66658 12.9888C5.65328 13.6481 6.81332 14 8 14C9.58984 13.9953 11.1132 13.3616 12.2374 12.2374C13.3616 11.1132 13.9953 9.58984 14 8C14 6.81331 13.6481 5.65327 12.9888 4.66658C12.3295 3.67988 11.3925 2.91085 10.2961 2.45672C9.19975 2.0026 7.99335 1.88378 6.82946 2.11529C5.66558 2.3468 4.59648 2.91824 3.75736 3.75736C2.91825 4.59647 2.3468 5.66557 2.11529 6.82946C1.88378 7.99334 2.0026 9.19974 2.45673 10.2961C2.91085 11.3925 3.67989 12.3295 4.66658 12.9888ZM9 7H11.5C11.7652 7 12.0196 7.10536 12.2071 7.29289C12.3946 7.48043 12.5 7.73478 12.5 8C12.5 8.26522 12.3946 8.51957 12.2071 8.70711C12.0196 8.89464 11.7652 9 11.5 9H8C7.73478 9 7.48043 8.89464 7.29289 8.70711C7.10536 8.51957 7 8.26522 7 8V4.5C7 4.23478 7.10536 3.98043 7.29289 3.79289C7.48043 3.60536 7.73478 3.5 8 3.5C8.26522 3.5 8.51957 3.60536 8.70711 3.79289C8.89464 3.98043 9 4.23478 9 4.5V7Z" fill="#CCD5E1"/>
<clipPath id="clip0_399_39612">
<rect width="16" height="16" fill="white"/>

I think it only happens when copying from figma. when I copy the same icon from Nucleo directly it works as expected

Hmmm… I believe the issue is that to allow coloring an icon we detect how many colors it use. Our heuristic is to apply the color only if it has only one color (otherwise we don’t know which color to replace). The icon you pasted has two colors: a path filled with #CCD5E1 and a rect filled with white. If you delete fill="white" from it, Plasmic can successful apply the color in the path. If copying from Nucleo works, maybe Figma is adding that rect…

Aaah I see. Thanks for the info. Figma does some weird things with fills sometimes