Initial questions on Plasmic compatibility with our environment

Hi all. I am currently investigating the possibility of our design team using Plasmic with our react project. I have some questions because we don’t have a standard react project.

  1. Since Plasmic Studio runs on the cloud, will any of our code be stored on the Plasmic cloud when we register our custom components?
  2. We are currently moving many of our custom components into their own projects as npm packages. Will this be a problem for Plasmic? What about importing 3rd Party components like Material UI and Kendo (requires license)?
  3. Our CSS is not stored in our code base but because of whitelabelling, it is retrieved from an API at runtime. Can this implementation be handled by Plasmic?
  4. We are moving in the future for microservices (splitting our project into smaller ones). Will this be handled by Plasmic?

Hi @inclined_ferret, welcome—some quick answers below:

  1. No, your code is not transmitted to Plasmic’s servers
  2. No, Plasmic has no issue with components imported from npm packages - see examples of popular 3rd party packages here and in the central component store
  3. Where your CSS comes from won’t affect Plasmic—dynamically injected CSS is fine (and normal in this day and age of lazily loaded modules with runtime CSS)
  4. Plasmic is agnostic

Hi @yang, we were already discussing this a bit via email. We actually work with Mark – so just to clarify and perhaps paint a clearer picture here: the use case here would primarily be to use Plasmic as a visual builder. The biggest advantage for me as a UI designer – at the moment – is its ability to tap into our repo so that I can directly work with whatever components we currently have in the codebase.

I suppose we won’t be doing actual deployment from Plasmic, so probably that falls into a “things in between” [headless API vs. codegen] category that you mentioned in your email. :slight_smile: