Integrating with Astro islands: PlasmicRootProvider at the root

Hey, I was trying to integrate Plasmic with Astro to leverage Astro’s deferred hydration capabilities for individual components on a Plasmic page.
Simply loading this react component does work:

export default function TestComponent() {
  return (
    <PlasmicRootProvider loader={PLASMIC} >
        <meta charSet="utf-8" />
      <PlasmicComponent component="/" />

But my goal was to assign different hydration attributes to the children of the HomepageComponent. So instead of loading it as one react component, the children would need to be nested in the RootProvider inside the astro file.
When I try to do it, I get the error: You must use <PlasmicRootProvider/> at the root of your app. When I add client:only="react" the error disappears but the page doesn’t render.
As far as I understand this is currently not possible because of how islands work in Astro.
Does anyone more knowledgeable know a possible workaround for this?