Low volume Plasmic site consuming excessive bandwidth?

I have a low volume website using Plasmic on Vercel. Vercel reports this website consistently using around 9 GB of traffic a day, other low volume sites use a few MB a day. Have I done something wrong? Or is this normal?

Very consistent usage from the Plasmic site

Definitely not normal. Any chance you are loading Plasmic designs on each request, instead of building them statically? (Even then, for a low traffic site it would be unexpected)

Are you using revalidate?

I used the create-plasmic-app starter to create the project, and apart from a couple of code components haven’t touched the source code. Should I modify the catchall?

https://gist.github.com/PUPeter/cadc42e9e2f7b84e87aade51751bcafb is the default catchall that I have not modified

I use a webhook to trigger builds from Plasmic and don’t use any components that would need to regenerate static content. I’m guessing I should remove the revalidate: 60 line?


otherwise it may be trying to re-fetch Plasmic designs ~every minute after a visit

Thanks! Will see how it goes

This is the bandwidth after removing the revalidate line. Looks like something is still problematic. Is there a way to troubleshoot what is causing this?

hmm could you link me to your site?


Hi @chungwu, have you had a moment to take a peek at the website? Cheers,

I did, but I haven’t been able to find anything unusual with it yet :thinking_face:

I guess you can ignore this, after contacting Vercel, they claim that the website is getting aggressively crawled for whatever reason. User agent go-http-client/2.0 on path / accounts for the majority of the traffic. If this isn’t Plasmic, then I guess there’s not much that can be done :sweat_smile:

woah… haha that’s not us but yikes

I did, but I haven’t been able to find anything unusual with it yet :thinking_face:

I guess you can ignore this, after contacting Vercel, they claim that the website is getting aggressively crawled for whatever reason. User agent go-http-client/2.0 on path / accounts for the majority of the traffic. If this isn’t Plasmic, then I guess there’s not much that can be done :sweat_smile:

woah… haha that’s not us but yikes