Misplaced available action dot

It seems that recently, there is a red dot on the code split button that never existed. But there isn’t a red dot on the publish button when there is an unpublished version

This seems to only be on Plexus projects

This dot was always there :slight_smile: . The dot in the publish button only should appear if you have published the project once before.


What is the dot for? Like, what do you need to do to get it away?

I no longer remember. I imagine it was to increase awareness about the code button and how to integrate.

Interesting. If its not signaling an available action; I wonder if it’d be better served to exist on a timeout basis either depending on when the project wasc reated or once the project is opened; and for it to have a different look than the other dot indicator for when a project has a new version available to publish.

Also, while we’re on the topic of that compnent; it would be a-freaking-mazing if instead of copying the Project’s API token; if you’d be able to copy the Project ID; I spend significantly more time copying the project ID than the project API token; and the manuever is taxing getting the cursor in the right spot each time.