Mixins that depend on other mixins

Have you guys thought about allowing a mix-in to depend on other mix-ins? (I have a use-case where I’ve defined some “basic” mix-ins, and I’d love to define a more complex mix-in as the sum of several of the basic mix-ins)

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interesting idea! we don’t have support for that today, but ill bring it up with the eng team

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Yes, would be good if we would have it. Also would be good, if we can create for example a «size.base» 4px. And then multiply or divide this value by formula to create next sizes. «size.small» 8px («size.base» * 2), «size.medium» 16px (size.small * 2), «size.big» 32px (size.small * 2). And would be good to have for for all numeric values. So we can just change one value, and all others changes.

Here is what im talking about

And here