Mobile page renders with white line.

@yang, have you seen any more occurrences of mobile pages rendering with a white line on the right-hand side?

In plasmic Studio, this white line is not present, but when publishing it appears.

I have checked every element and container to ensure the width is set to hug or stretch. Only button elements have a non-responsive width such as 300px which is smaller than any mobile screen size.

Here’s a link to the plasmic studio page:

Here’s a link to the published page:

Here’s a link to my previous thread about this issue:

Hi @sensible_rat, it’s this element

I greatly appreciate your time, @yang.

If you get another moment, could you see if any other elements stand out to you?

I deleted the element from your screenshot on mobile, but the issue is not resolved.

I’ll also have my developer hide each element and republish until we figure it out as well.