New components, starter templates & Plasmic CMS upgrades.

Hey <!channel> we’ve got some new updates :fire: :plasmic:

:white_check_mark: More components for apps + websites:
◦ HTML rich text editor
◦ Tabs
◦ Calendar
◦ Popover
◦ Button group
◦ Slider
◦ Date picker
◦ Date range picker
◦ Collapse
◦ Accordion
:white_check_mark: And a couple of advanced components:
Side Effect: run an interaction on load, or on other changes.
Condition Guard: run an interaction conditionally, or else display the page normally. Useful for ensuring some condition before displaying a page, such as ensuring that the user has set up their own profile before they can access the rest of your app.
:white_check_mark: New application starter templates: Log in to the main dashboard and hit New Project to find these.
◦ Dashboard
◦ Inventory management
◦ Pokemon Pokedex
:white_check_mark: Plasmic CMS upgrades
◦ You can now unpublish published entries.
◦ You can search CMS entries by name.
◦ You can paginate CMS entries inside of Plasmic and in the CMS API (you can now specify offset parameter).
◦ You can count CMS entries inside of Plasmic and in the CMS API, without fetching row data.
:tada: And more: Dive into the full overview. Let us know what you think!