New features for smoother Plasmic studio experience.

<!channel> :mega: Exciting updates from the Plasmic team to make your studio experience smoother and more powerful! :plasmic:

:white_check_mark: Simplified Dynamic Pages
◦ Easily create dynamic pages with URL paths like /products/[slug] to showcase specific records.
◦ Select “Dynamic Page” when creating a new page, and pick your desired data source table that you want to create dynamic pages for.
◦ Switch between records effortlessly without searching for IDs.
◦ Compatible with all current and upcoming schema-aware data sources in the Integrations feature, including Postgresql and Airtable. With more to come!
:white_check_mark: Simplified, Schema-Driven Forms
◦ We’ve refined our form creation process! New forms start in “simplified mode”. Simply configure the fields from the right sidebar.
◦ Want more power? Flip the switch to advanced mode without losing your existing fields.
Highlight :zap:Use the “Connect to Table” button. Link your form to a table, and it will auto populate all the fields. Submitting will run the appropriate create/update operation! Plus, you’ll be able to further tweak and customize any of these default settings.
:white_check_mark: Loading Boundaries
◦ You can now insert loading boundaries: show a loading spinner if anything inside the boundary depends on query data that’s still loading for the first time.
◦ Design the exact loading indicators you want on the screen, and avoid cascading waterfalls of spinners.
:tada: And more
◦ Multi-statement code expressions now work in any custom code editor.
◦ Registering var(–my-custom-font) (as in Next 13 fonts) now displays as the user-friendly “My Custom Font” in the editor.
◦ The left sidebar has been optimized for better scaling with multiple imported projects.
◦ The plasmic info CLI now supports more comprehensive project data, including author details, timestamps, and historical data in JSON format.
:point_right: Dive into the full overview. And of course- let us know what you think!

Great work, plasmic.

This update to dynamic pages arrives right in time for us, @attainable_catshark

incredible work!! the simplified dynamic pages are awesome.