Onboarding flow not published correctly

Hello Team :wave: Found a Bug :bug:

I made a major redesign of my onboarding flow and I’m sure I already published it.

But it is still showing the old UI. I already cleared the browser cache.

I suspect this is also my issue why the functionality is not working…

Already published as detected by Plasmic App itself…

Oh by the way i’m using Arc Browser Incognito mode…

Tried in Safari too and also not getting the real published version… Please help! :pray:

This could be a major caching issue in Plasmic App if ever… As new published changes are not reflecting… :grimacing:

Can you point us to the project

Here’s the project: https://studio.plasmic.app/projects/3KXvWErRJmhJzZG7Nrh4Vd/-/Dashboard?arena_type=page&arena=Nhcy6Fv6jhOC

Seems like this only happens in my custom domain: home.taleno.digital

I am using my subdomain as host for the custom domain

Does the custom domain have any relation as to why the latest published changes are not reflecting?

Is this still okay to use?

A few things going on here but the underlying issue is that the size of the Lottie animation is tripping some limits with our site hosting. We’re looking into it!


Thanks @chungwu for the update! Really appreciate it! Go Team Plasmic! :rainbow:

For now we are adding an async Lottie component that will download the lottie animation data from the browser, so that you can delay downloading the bytes required for the animation… To get unblocked in the meanwhile, you could remove the Lottie animation from the page for now :sweat:

Ok yep no worries let me try that now real quick…

But having Lotties are cute :smiling_face_with_3_hearts:

for sure :sweat_smile:
