Can you confirm if I understood the page variants correctly?
My goal: to have two interfaces for two different users.
Initially I thought about simply creating more pages for my project, with separate paths in each interface, that is, each interface with pages linked to the user’s needs, but then I thought that the wrong user could access the wrong interface simply by linking to the page.
I believe that with page variants, we can prevent the wrong user from accessing the wrong interface, am I right about this?
If so, how do I apply it to this?
Because if I link the button to a page, I would like to indicate which variant should appear.
Hi, I am not able to fully understand your request.
If you are talking about limiting what the user can do in the page based in some role or metadata that you have, it depends on how you are accessing this user metadata, but you can tie this metadata to activate a variant of the page in your code.
If you plan to only display some additional information, you can also use dynamic values Dynamic values | Learn Plasmic to express what should be shown.