Plasmic for email, AI copilot, and new data components

<!channel> Happy Tuesday! It’s time for some new and exciting updates :plasmic: :drum_with_drumsticks:

Plasmic for email :email:
◦ Ever thought of designing and building email content with Plasmic? Now you can! Powered by the React components from react-email, you can use the react-email renderer to generate HTML that is guaranteed to work with major email clients. Read more about this in our example repo.
Meet our AI Copilot :male_elf:
◦ We’re excited to bring AI into Plasmic. Our copilot gives suggested code snippets for dynamic values (JavaScript) and SQL. Just describe what you want in plain English- the copilot will take into consideration your current data environment, and suggest a code snippet to drop in.
New components: Data list, Data grid, Data details :white_check_mark:
◦ All-in-one components to quickly create pages displaying collections of items and details of an individual item.
And more! You can now:
◦ Theme the App Layout components.
◦ Choose to execute a page navigation when it’s triggered in the interactive canvas.
◦ Href is now a prop type for code components.
◦ Tables now have row selection states, formatting options, and row click interactions.
◦ Set a “default page wrapper” component for your project—all new pages will have that component inserted by default. Right click the component in the Components left sidebar tab to find the option to set it as a default wrapper.
:point_right: Here’s the full overview. Let us know what you think!

Convinced the Plasmic dev team doesn’t sleep.

Thank you for this great addition! Any chance the 4-5 missing components (especially Column) could be added into the example repo? Thank you!