Plasmic host cannot be on a separate repo? Or any way around CORS?

It looks like we can’t have our plasmic host on a separate repo… Any ideas on ways around this CORS issue?

can you describe your setup here?

• I’m trying to set this up in our Next.js codebase the houses our web app.
• I created the plasmic-host.tsx file inside pages
• Created the plasmic init file here:

import { initPlasmicLoader } from '@plasmicapp/loader-nextjs';

export const Plasmic = initPlasmicLoader({
  projects: [
      id: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PLASMIC_PROJECT_ID!,
      token: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PLASMIC_API_TOKEN!,
  // Fetches the latest revisions, whether or not they were unpublished!
  // Disable for production to ensure you render only published changes.
  preview: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',

and this is what our next.config.js looks like

// @ts-check
const path = require('path');
const withPlugins = require('next-compose-plugins');
const withSvgr = require('@newhighsco/next-plugin-svgr');
const { createSecureHeaders } = require('next-secure-headers');
const withBundleAnalyzer = require('@next/bundle-analyzer')({ enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === 'true' });
const svgoConfig = require('./config/svgo');

const assetPrefix = '';

 * @see <>
 * @type {import('next/dist/next-server/server/config').NextConfig}
const config = withPlugins(
     * When using Next.js image component (next/image), you will need to pass
     * the `unoptimized` prop in order to load base URI images.
     * @see <>
    typescript: {
      // We only build in CircleCI to run a server for Cypress. Ignoring TS avoids redudant check and improves build speed.
      ignoreBuildErrors: !!process.env.IS_CIRCLE_CI ? true : false,

    eslint: {
      // We lint during CI instead of builds.
      ignoreDuringBuilds: true,


    images: {
      domains: [

    exclude: path.resolve(__dirname, './public/assets/illustrations'),

    // Exclude SVGs from `next-images`
    fileExtensions: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'ico', 'webp', 'jp2'],

    // SVGO config for `withSVGR`
    svgrOptions: {

    swcMinify: true,
    compiler: {
      styledComponents: true,

    /** @see <> */
    async redirects() {
      return [
          source: '/terms',
          destination: '/legal/terms',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/privacy',
          destination: '/legal/privacy',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/switch',
          destination: '/comparison/cloud-storage-alternative',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/app',
          destination: '<>',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/category',
          destination: '/blog',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/jobs',
          destination: '<>',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/jobs/:slug',
          destination: '<>',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/careers',
          destination: '<>',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/careers/:slug',
          destination: '<>',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/logos',
          destination: '/logos',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/logos/:slug',
          destination: '/logos/:slug',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/documentation-for-dummies-notion-templates-for-early-stage-startups',
          destination: '/blog/documentation-made-easy-notion-templates-for-early-stage-startups',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/documentation-for-dummies-operation',
          destination: '/blog/documentation-made-easy-operations',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/documentation-for-dummies-project-management',
          destination: '/blog/documentation-made-easy-project-management',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/documentation-for-dummies-product',
          destination: '/blog/documentation-made-easy-product',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/documentation-for-dummies-brand',
          destination: '/blog/documentation-made-easy-brand',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/documentation-for-dummies-hiring',
          destination: '/blog/documentation-made-easy-hiring',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/documentation-for-dummies-fundraising',
          destination: '/blog/documentation-made-easy-fundraising',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/account',
          destination: '/account/my-account',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/bookmarks',
          destination: '/favorite-items',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/favorite-asset',
          destination: '/favorite-items',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/favorite-boards',
          destination: '/home',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/workspace-boards',
          destination: '/home',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/blog/zoomexotic',
          destination: '/blog/zoom-exotic',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/workspace',
          destination: '/workspace/members',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/air-lift/download',
          destination: '<>',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/import/drive',
          destination: '/search/import/drive',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/import/box',
          destination: '/search/import/box',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/import/dropbox',
          destination: '/search/import/dropbox',
          permanent: true,
          source: '/search',
          destination: '/library',
          permanent: true,
    async rewrites() {
      return [
          source: '/culture/:slug',
          destination: '/blog/:slug',
    async headers() {
      return [
          source: '/(.*)',
          headers: createSecureHeaders({
            frameGuard: false, // turn this off because we currently have customers embedding shared content
            xssProtection: 'sanitize',
            nosniff: 'nosniff',
            noopen: false, // turn this off so we don't prevent auto-opening of assets from within the app

module.exports = config;

I have a testing plasmic site setup here with the link to the host:

it looks like the cross-domain dom exception is caused by something trying to access… a snippet of the minimized code around where this is happening is:

                            if (c = b.environment,
                            d = b.isBot,
                            f = p[c],
                            g().init(f, {
                                api_host: "<>"
                            o("init: stage - ".concat(c)),
                            j.VCE)()) {
                       = 8;
                            return (0,
                            h.D0)() ? []("Disabled Mixpanel because you're running Air locally") : (0,
                            i.US)() && []("Disabled Mixpanel because it's a Cypress run"),

dunno if that means anything to you :slightly_smiling_face:

so the error may be thrown when the next.js page is attempting to render /plasmic-host

interesting, thanks this is a great lead!

I’ll look into it