plasmic sync getting stuck on "Fixing import statements"

Has anybody been getting stuck on Fixing import statements... when running yarn plasmic sync?

I have to yarn global add @plasmicapp/cli@latest every time, before I run yarn plasmic sync, or else it get stuck.

I’ve also tried running yarn plasmic fix-imports before yarn plasmic sync, but that doesn’t seem to solve the issue.

christophercaldwell@Christophers-MacBook-Pro []( % yarn plasmic sync                     
yarn run v1.22.17
warning ../../../package.json: No license field
$ /Users/christophercaldwell/Desktop/Github/ sync
Project 'plasmic-embed-css'@0.0.1 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Project 'react-awesome-reveal'@2.1.1 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Project 'plasmic-basic-components'@2.2.1 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Project 'antd'@1.1.1 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Project 'lottie-react'@0.0.2 is already up to date; skipping. (To force an update, run again with "--force")
Updating project '[](' to latest
Syncing component: PlasmicGlobalContextsProvider@latest ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC latest]
? File /Users/christophercaldwell/Desktop/Github/ already exists. Do you want to overwrite? (Y/n) (y) Syncing component: Homepage@latest    ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/_CdcrdLVtmwZ latest]
Syncing component: Brand@latest ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/Szz9Iqt8oQ latest]
Syncing component: Preview@latest       ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/82HqYqa8_l latest]
Syncing component: SignUp@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/GQKKdJyFNE latest]
Syncing component: Featured@latest      ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/IBPPgigz5A latest]
Syncing component: Animators@latest     ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/mGrMLXy9uf latest]
Syncing component: SingleAnimator@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/hguGSmuGqI latest]
Syncing component: LottieToSvg@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/-9kJfut8T3I latest]
Syncing component: SvgToLottie@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/ChK-nQSwkFn latest]
Syncing component: Dashboard@latest     ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/OeMxjP4W17 latest]
Syncing component: DashboardUpload@latest       ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/77QHMc1K_3i latest]
Syncing component: DashboardResults@latest      ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/75g_Du84loQ latest]
Syncing component: DashboardPurchases@latest    ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/acDtNDlLixc latest]
Syncing component: DashboardLikes@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/JwbfJERmzdk latest]
Syncing component: DashboardProfile@latest      ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/8J9WEVZixuD latest]
Syncing component: DashboardAdmin@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/cXvKZ-BN8R9 latest]
Syncing component: SignIn@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/bn-QfMBPZT latest]
Syncing component: DashboardCollections@latest  ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/0tFXOGqzqBq latest]
Syncing component: FreeAnimations@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/NqtajuVRleU latest]
Syncing component: Collections@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/bfGMteUwmE6 latest]
Syncing component: AuthLoading@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/xb2Hoqiv21 latest]
Syncing component: DashboardAnimations@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/Q2_w8p0Vbbh latest]
Syncing component: Test@latest  ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/W2qliXyg3C latest]
Syncing component: Search@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/W6ABAkWeif latest]
Syncing component: SingleAnimation@latest       ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/LuB3OUs-9Z latest]
Syncing component: SingleCollection@latest      ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/4CDAUNG4NHv latest]
Syncing component: Editor@latest        ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/ffVgmdsqcp6B latest]
Syncing component: LottieToGif@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/pLowsaF2L8 latest]
Syncing component: LottieToMp4@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/tG89CXzP1A latest]
Syncing component: LottieToPng@latest   ['[](' 58CNSVogj92RP9LTu21UrC/daEp6hOY6a latest]
Fixing import statements...

In your plasmic.json what’s the cliVersion please?

Also, can you check if the version in package.json of @plasmicapp/cli matches the version in plasmic.json?

I got it fixed. Thank you!

Nice :smile: