Product Updates: CMS Enumeration Field, Text Editor & GraphQL improvements and More!

Hello Plasmic users!
We’ve just rolled out some exciting updates based on work from the past month to make your workflow smoother and more powerful:

:sparkles: New Enumeration Field Type for CMS – Centralize and reuse options easily, now with locale support for multilingual projects.
:memo: Text Editor Updates – Enhanced tag support for SEO and styling.
:movie_camera: Lottie Interactivity – Trigger animations on scroll or adjust dynamically based on any user interaction.
:link: GraphQL – Improved performance, caching, and UI updates for the editor.
:paintbrush: Studio UI Improvements – Token counts, better navigation dropdowns, and a modal for managing token dependencies.

Check out the full changelog here: Product Updates: CMS Enumeration Field, Text Editor & GraphQL improvements and More!