I’m continue to troubleshoot this and found a bug.
Steps to reproduce:
Part 1
Duplicate a project (Core) and rename it (Set2: Core). This project has the core set of tokens in it; giving a key to the hex value (token name: red 100, token value: #FEF2F2) .
In Set2: Core, change a value of a token; for (Red 100 from FEF2F2 to #FDF9F9)
Part 2
Duplicate a project (Semantic) that has the Core project imported and rename it (Set2: Semantic). This project gives a semantic name to the core token (token name: Destructive Softer, token value: `red 1001)
Part 3 (in Set2: Semantic)
Collapse all the values
Expand the values of Core in the token tree to expose the tokens for the red value
Observe: This also expanded the tokens for the Set2: Core tokens to expose the red values of that project as well even though the user didn’t do anything to expand them.