Setting up Plasmic in project.

guessing you may have an eslint rule or prettier config or something that is transforming the files? (plasmic sync may try to run prettier if it detects it should) The files we generate should not have those “value” strings

I just entered the create t3 app command and one it was done: plasmic init and plasmic sync.
As far as I understand it eslint and prettier rules can’t be set globally.

I ran:

# accepting all defaults
npx create-t3-app@latest

npx @plasmicapp/cli@latest init
npx @plasmicapp/cli@latest sync -p bZkmRHqpZgGUTSLe9r3ZuT

from node 18.13.0. Could not reproduce :confused:

Ok. Thanks for trying.

do you see this in all the Plasmic-generated files or only certain ones

The files arent in the components folder yet because the process generating them fails.

I‘ve removed the 2 .svg files from plasmic studio, then the error just appeared for ScreenVariantProvider

and you’re just using the defaults?

yes, although now I would change the components folder to be in …/src/components

just tried it again:

one thing I don’t understand is that the check svg was still there.
I deleted it again along with another boilerplate svg and tried

the only thing I can think of is prettier. For icons, we generate code like…

import {classNames} from "@plasmicapp/react-web"

(note no spaces around classNames)

In the cli, we actually run prettier twice (because sometimes it yields different outputs). I’m guessing the first time we ran prettier, it inserted the weird “value” token plus surrounding spaces. Then the second time it fails due to syntax error