Shopify Integration Needs Updating - Deprecated API

Hi Plasmic Team,

“Add to cart” using the Plasmic’s shopify integration produces the following error.

Shopify info here: Deprecation of Checkout APIs — Shopify developer changelog

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Hello @tom_prest-drawbridge, we are aware of this issue and are actively working on updating the Shopify components. We will let you know when these updates are live.

Thanks! Is this likely to be soon? I have a client site I planned to go live this week but I need to set up an alternative system if this won’t be coming soon.

Much appreciated :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I can’t commit to a fixed date, but it should be soon, hopefully, this week or in the next couple of days.

Thank you @sarah_ahmed :slight_smile:

Hello @tom_prest-drawbridge, we have pushed the update to Shopify components - the new API should now be supported.

Hi, do I need to update anything? @sarah_ahmed

In Studio, you should automatically get the updates. In codegen, you would need to update @plasmicpkgs/commerce-shopify package to the latest

My self-hosted loader project is still giving me the above errors. @sarah_ahmed

Hi @tom_prest-drawbridge, you’ll need to make some changes to your project and try the loader project again so that your loader project can get some regenerated code that reflects the new API changes.

edit: Also, please include the project ID if you’re still encountering the issue.

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