Hello everyone,
I’m hoping someone here can help shed some light on an issue I’ve been struggling with for a couple of days now.
Initially, I assumed that implementing the Page Metadata Override feature in Plasmic would be straightforward — just load the component, fill in the necessary fields, and it should work automatically. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case for me. Despite my best efforts, it doesn’t seem to function as expected.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Modifying the [[…catchall]].tsx file — I’ve made several edits here, hoping this would help.
Adding and skipHead — I included these within the PlasmicRootProvider, along with the necessary import (import Head from “next/head”).
Experimented with different configurations — I’ve gone through multiple combinations, yet I still can’t seem to get the metadata to update correctly.
I keep running into the following error:
Plasmic: Head meta tags are being ignored. To make them work, pass a Head component into PlasmicRootProvider.
At this point, I’m wondering if there’s a step-by-step guide or any comprehensive documentation that details how to properly implement the Page Metadata Override. I’ve looked around quite a bit but haven’t found anything that addresses my specific situation.
Has anyone successfully set this up before?
Here are a few specific questions:
Is there a known best practice for integrating and metadata overrides with Plasmic in a Next.js setup?
Are there any common pitfalls that I might be overlooking?
Does the order of components or specific settings within the PlasmicRootProvider affect how metadata is applied?
I’d be extremely grateful for any insights, code snippets, or pointers in the right direction. Thanks so much in advance!