Tailwind classes are now having no effect in Studio previews

hey Plasmic team!

we use Tailwind classes in our code components and this has usually worked fine with the Studio, but today started noticing that the Tailwind classes are now having no effect on the Studio previews

i checked our code and we haven’t changed anything related recently. any hints if this might be on us?

Hello @working_tuna. Can you DM me your project ID?

thanks @icaro! will do

What heppened with this, @icaro Same problem here…

Hi @daniel_grau you can run into issues depending on how you build your css files, one way to ensure that tailwind classes are available in Studio is to make the whole stylesheet available in your /plasmic-host page, as the /plasmic-host page should only be used for Plasmic Studio, this won’t affect the rest of your application in any way.

Thank you for your answer, @fmota. OK, maybe I am talking about a different issue:
What I want to do is import Tailwind in a Headless API project to be available to use in my own custom components.
I have followed the Tailwind tutorial on how to be installed in a next.js application with no luck.
I’ve done the same in a codegen projeck and it works there. I am not sure if it’s a must, since there are many posts alongside the forum where this is asked but never really answered examples: [1] [2] [3]

I’d love to understand how it would work and create a post here at the forum explaining it.
Thank you