Unable to confirm access to Airtable base.

I am trying out Airtable, but I fail when trying to give access to a base. After granting access my console shows me this and I cannot “confirm” since I cannot chose a airtable base ID.
Any ideas?

Hello, we are looking into this error

Have you tried hard refreshing the plasmic page?

Hard refresh worked. Thanks!

Postgres also seems to have issues. I am stuck with a white screen after configuring the connection string.

Hi @melodic_lion! This seems to be an issue with the connection string, could you double check it? it should be a valid connection URI: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING

Our servers are getting a DNS lookup timed out error when using the provided connection, maybe there’s a typo in the host name? (We will update our UI to warn when an error occurs :pensive:)

You can test your connection URI locally by running psql "<connection-URI>" on the terminal

I am using supabase as postgres backend and using the connection string that is provided in the supabase dashboard. I’ve tested the connection string, it works in my terminal with psql “postgresql://…”.

I can see the error when fetching the schema. @victor

hmmm I wonder if it might be because of some special characters in the password, such as @, /, :, etc. We’re looking into improving the UI to have a separate input for the password so we can encode it automatically, but can you check if it works if you encode it for URLs (e.g., using encodeURIComponent)?