Unable to create rows using form list

I can’t seem to figure out how to save multiple rows in the database using a form list. When I configure the integration and hit execute, I am getting new entries. However, when I click submit, it just grays out the form fields and nothing happens. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Please share relevant links/ project ID / component where the aforementioned form exists.

Hi Sarah, the link to my project page: Plasmic

Here is a screenshot with some example data in my form and form list:

When I look at the state variable of the form object, the preview value looks accurate:

Here is the code for the whole bundle that I am using to create multiple rows:
$state.form.value.SetsPerformed.map(set => ({…set, date: $state.form.value.date, exercise_id: $queries.query.data.find(item => item.id === $ctx.params.id).id}))

Both the preview value looks correct, and clicking execute seems to work and creates the rows in my supabase table

However, clicking submit, just grays out the values and the cursor becomes a circle with a line through it, with no rows being created in the actual supabase table

Thank you! I imagine I have overlooked something, but at a loss at this point hah

It seems to be a bug with our form component using form list! I’ll report this issue to the team. Thanks!

Ok thanks! Do you have a rough idea of when it may get resolved?

I can’t give a rough idea yet, but to unblock yourself in the meantime, can you configure the Submit button’s onClick instead to handle form submission, and remove the onSubmit interaction from the Form?

I tried, but I am getting an internal server error. Not sure if thats something I am doing wrong or not?

Hello, sorry for the delayed response. We have fixed the form’s onSubmit handler, so you should now be able to run your original example without any errors.