Upload props limited

There are some extra difficulties regarding the upload button, in the case of plasmic, our only option is the one from and design (uploading is not their strong point). The official website where they present the upload has some demonstrations https://ant.design/components/upload#examples but on the platform, the control options (Upload props) are extremely limited and full of bugs, being practically impossible to use as desired.

Hello @carlos_eduardo, we are sorry that you are experiencing difficulties with the Antd Upload component. Can you be more explicit about what issues you are facing so we can address them?

within upload props we are limited to: allowed types; list type. Let’s focus on list type:
-picture - card
-picture - circle

These options do not satisfy all the options exemplified in the ant design demo

The following upload options exemplified on the website https://ant.design/components/upload#upload-demo-picture-circle can currently be created within plasmic:

  • Upload by clicking
  • Default Files
    -Pictures with picture-circle type
    -Drag and Drop
    -Upload manually

The following options are not possible to use using plasmic:
-Crop image before uploading

Where the “List files” option is also defective and needs to be studied. I don’t think I can explain it better than this.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I’ve added a task to address enhancements for the Antd Upload component. In the meantime, you’re welcome to fork the Upload component, create an enhanced version, and submit a pull request if you’d like.