Using Plasmic as a Visual CMS for a Next.js project

I am just learning about Plasmic and what it offers. From my dive into the documentation, I didn’t get a clear answer on if Plasmic is able to work the way we are anticipating.

We need to be able to write custom React components/widgets, with properties for our content team to modify. These widgets and components then will be loaded into Plasmic Studio, for our content team to drag-n-drop them wherever they please. The page info is then sent back to Next.js and is then rendered according to the setup in Plasmic Studio.

The developers would create the pages, and then Plasmic will read the pages from Next.js and ready them for the content team. We don’t want the content team creating new pages.

Is this setup doable with Plasmic? If so, how easy is this to setup? Should we instead look elsewhere instead?

Yes, this setup is definitely doable in Plasmic–and in fact quite common among other companies using Plasmic.

We need to be able to write custom React components/widgets, with properties for our content team to modify. These widgets and components then will be loaded into Plasmic Studio, for our content team to drag-n-drop them wherever they please. The page info is then sent back to Next.js and is then rendered according to the setup in Plasmic Studio.

Your understanding here is correct! In addition, I think our technical overview docs page can also clarify your understanding of how devs, content editors, Plasmic, and your systems can work together.