What are you trying to do? (please be as specific as possible and include relevant screenshots, code snippets, and reproduction steps)
I have a multi-zone project installed, instead of creating multiple nextjs applications (thus multiple plasmic projects), I want to have one nextjs project and one plasmic project.
But since different zone needs different pages, is it possible to have different pages shown (my idea was that I use variants) based on different query params like ?location=boston
What have you tried so far? (please link relevant docs and other forum posts)
Hi, you can generate your pages based in the location by using either Next.js middleware or Server Side Rendering. In those setups you would be able to have the location for which the page is going to be generated which allows you to pick the behavior that you want for that combination of (page / location).
The approach would be somewhat similar to what is done in the Splits setup or what is described in Next.js routing docs. You would use the middleware to redirect to a page that would contain the location in the path (as example /boston/about), this way you can handle the different locations that you want to provide different treatment.