Volunteer Plasmic Expert for Ed-Tech Startup

About Us: Aihe is an early-stage, unfunded ed-tech startup with a vision to enable a world where any learner can become an expert. We are passionate about the power of education and are mission-driven to support teachers in being excellent educators while also enjoying their lives outside the classroom. Our team consists of educators, developers, designers, and business people, all of whom are currently volunteering their time and expertise.

Project Overview: We are currently developing an AI solution to reduce the time teachers spend marking tests and assessing students, allowing them to focus on what they love both inside and outside the classroom. Our team has completed seven waves of design iterations using the Lean product methodology and has received positive feedback from test users on our Figma prototype. We are now moving to Plasmic to create a more realistic prototype for testing product-market fit, usability, and value against our qualitative and quantitative goals.

Position: We are seeking a Plasmic expert to join our team and assist with building and guiding us as we adopt Plasmic. As our go-to resource, you will teach others and answer questions about Plasmic. Please note that this is an unpaid position.


  • Experience using Plasmic
  • Ability to attend biweekly sprint planning meetings and weekly one-on-ones
  • Willingness to watch past usability tests to get up to speed
  • Participate in user research, usability tests, and reviews (conducted almost weekly, mostly shared between Product Designers and Product Manager)
  • Generate hypotheses about how the design prototype could be improved based on user research and usability test findings
  • Willingness to grow by exploring ideas through reading or resources and sharing insights with the team
  • Strong teamwork skills, self-management, and a fun attitude
  • Assist the team with product discovery and delivery until product-market fit is achieved

Assets (not required):

  • Experience with education or teaching
  • Ability to switch between Figma and coding
  • Startup experience or a business mindset

On compensation:

We primarily seek someone who identifies with our vision and mission and is willing to contribute their time in exchange for the opportunity to make a significant impact and reap the associated rewards if we are successful.

If you are passionate about our mission and feel you can contribute, even if you don’t meet all the requirements, we encourage you to apply.

The Future: We currently have two products for which we are gathering a few use cases, with more in the pipeline. Following the achievement of product-market fit on our current product, we plan to seek funding to further grow and scale our impact.

To apply, please submit your resume and a brief introduction outlining your interest in the position and your relevant experience to one(at)aihe(dot)me or send a direct message.

Thank you for reading this far. We look forward to hearing from you!

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