What is the snippet code for rendered but not visible condition in visibility? because if the value is false than it will be not rendered. but I need it to be invisible but be rendered!
I am trying to use multistep form, So when I press next the step changed and try to go previous again I see my inputs are gone. It is not preserved, I have the set the form field input to preserved.
Hey @its_the-sa, can you show me where this is happening? Currently there is no way to dynamically set “rendered but not visible”, but you should be able to save the state in an external state that doesn’t go away instead of just in the input.
Thank you for that. i do not know it happened. I tried doing that in the plasmic design off mode and it was there. but not in the preview another window.
5Zg9n9VVQm3GpGMqm4vDHh This is my project and it is the patient form 2. Can you check!
Ok, what I noticed, the data are being store in value but not in the fields as preview!
sorry forgot to send the image:
here first completed the form then pressed next. The input is recorded but when I return to the field it shows empty!
And Also when I am submitting data using integration I am not getting the data or any thing!
Looking at your project, I see that the dynamic visibility is on the forms parent.
I think for you to achieve what you want, you would have only ONE form, and have all the different dynamic visibility inside it instead of multiple forms that re-render.
Ok, I am gonna try that. But is there any option to divide the values in one? Like how the form gather all data one but individual stacks?
I don’t think so, it would all be in the same data object. You could manually choose which fields to use from the data object that contains everything.