What's the simplest way to stop actions based on some validation in Plasmic Studio?

What are you trying to do?

I have a sequence of ~10 actions to happen when a user clicks on a button. It should start only if the user filled in info into 2 text fields.

Now, I started to handle it like “execute this action when”, but that literally means I need to put the same precondition into 10 items.

Question: how can I create something like a “Precondition” action as the first action, so if it is not true, then I show a Global Error Notification and the following steps are not handled?

What have you tried so far?

I came up with an idea of adding an action that throws an error, but it doesn’t look nice.

Relevant links:

And as a follow-up, are there some best practices about both debugging error responses from the API and the way of handling them?

Anyone? :sweat_smile: