When can we access the component package contribution from Mr. Biscuit on Chakra UI?

Hi there.
When do you think we can get our hands on @verbal_sparrow Chakra UI package that he did a PR for and will it be announced here? As super keen to use these components in my FigmaToken integration work.

The team is actively working on integrating this into the component store as we speak! We would definitely love to highlight it, it’s a monster contribution :heart:


Any news on this? :tada: Was hoping to see it in the next Release notes. But today it was not there. Is there any way how we can support? @yang

I was given the Plasmic-host.tsx and have it now in this project https://github.com/LincAtMerkle/plasmicPOC
Just not:

  1. it’s on Image branch (till I work out how to merge with main)
  2. It it uses also used FigmaTokens
    Lots of components:




I was given the Plasmic-host.tsx and have it now in this project https://github.com/LincAtMerkle/plasmicPOC
Just not:

  1. it’s on Image branch (till I work out how to merge with main)
  2. It it uses also used FigmaTokens
    Lots of components:

There is a channel for those interested figma-tokens-chakra

I was given the Plasmic-host.tsx and have it now in this project https://github.com/LincAtMerkle/plasmicPOC
Just not:

  1. it’s on Image branch (till I work out how to merge with main)
  2. It it uses also used FigmaTokens
    Lots of components:

There is a channel for those interested figma-tokens-chakra

Quick update on this one: we’re still working on it, wading our way through some React version incompatibilities…

Keen to replace mine with this. Thx

@yang almost one month later - Any Updates on this? :rocket: Would be great if we can look forward for some initial Release in Plasmic visual studio - I think improvements can be also shipped step by step :slightly_smiling_face:

@prime_gecko we unfortunately had to put a pause on this as a built-in component store item, since it is dependent on a bigger change to the react version used in the canvas. We still want to get to this but need to prioritize other things first. It’s also complicated by other large changes happening within plasmic. But for now it’s still possible for you to use it by setting up your own app host.

@yang are the problems that you mentioning not also valid if I’m setting it up with my own app host?
And what would happen if you release it later on officially - can I swap it simply with my self imported one?

@prime_gecko You’ll have control over which Next.js/react version you’re using in your own app - the issue above is with the centrally provided “default” version that you get across all apps in Plasmic.

You could migrate, but you probably won’t want to, since you’ll have strictly more control with your own version of the library, such as applying custom theme overrides, upgrading to latest version, etc.