How to send a post request to my server and then do something with the response?


I’m a mobile developer, so I know some things.

What are you trying to do?

I want to send a request on a button click and then display the response on another component, eg a text view.

Basically, I don’t understand if there is a way for me to get the callback with the response without trying to blindly rerun the other queries hoping it’ll somehow help.

Here is a simplified example:

What have you tried so far?

I read the docs on integrations. Component props and page-level data queries seem not to be applicable for this case.

Ok, I honestly tried to find the answer!

But now I actually found it:

You should be able to use the Use Integration action, followed by a Update state variable action. Previous actions data are accessible in future actions via the $step variable.

You can read more about it here Interactions and state reference | Learn Plasmic

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Yep, that should be the correct way to do it!

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